Igår när jag och Rienk kolla på teve så börja vi prata om otrohet.
Jag: "What would you do if you walked into our bedroom and saw me in bed with one of your best friends?"
Rienk: "I would get the biggest knife in the kitchen and stabb him over and over again! Then go downstairs to my chair, light a cigarett and wait for the police."
Jag: "No, you would never go downstairs to get a knife. You would hit him with your bare fists, over and over!
Just like in the movies, when more and more blood keep splatting up in the persons face and he still dont stop!
Rienk: "Yeah...thats true..! Ehm...what would you do then? If you saw me in our bed with another girl?"
Jag: "I think I would be to angry to say anything. I would just turn around, walk downstairs, smash the glass-table, take Lycan and go!"
Rienk: "Take Lycan?!! HELL NO!!"
Jag: "Hell Yeah!!"
*funderar en stund*
Rienk: "Ok, the one who is cheating, can NOT take Lycan!"
Jag: "Haha, ok! It's a deal!"
*skakar hand*
Vi kommer så bra överrens, jag och min karl!! :DD
Postat av: evelina
Ha en bra dag!
Postat av: Ausa